Balance for Life is a great program if you need more than a beach, like me. My husband and I were impressed with results- lost weight within 4 days, learned how to improve our health from Dr. Drucker, tried an amazing diet with no SOS, had personal and knowledgeable workout instructors. Thank you Terry for customizing this program to our needs and abilities, challenging and motivating us at the same time! If you care about your health and well-being, you will enjoy it!

Balance for Life Guest
Irene T.

Reach Us

2096 NE 2nd St,
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

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Balance For Life Florida Questions

Submit your question to the Balance For Life Florida team. This includes the following events and programs.

  • Water Fasting
  • Plant-Based Food Program
  • Juice Cleanse Program
  • Holistic Fasting Retreat