Change Your Life, Change Your Genes

The Epigenetic Benefits of a Hygienic Lifestyle

Genes are the functional units of heredity comprised of spiraling sequences of DNA. According to the Human Genome Project, there are 20-25,000 genes contained in the chromosomes of every cell in the human body. Genes provide the blueprint that transcribes all the proteins that are necessary for the function of all body cells and systems as well as all of the traits of our physical and psychological identity.

Unfortunately, many people sell themselves short by feeling completely defined, limited and even imprisoned by the deck of genetic cards they were dealt at birth. So that you often hear people exclaim that because their parents or grandparents had diabetes, or heart disease or some form of cancer, etc. they would likely develop the same problems. Even worse is when people discover that they have some genetic construct, like BRCA genes in women that may predispose them to the development of breast cancer, that makes them feel like they have no choice but to opt for some medical intervention that can compromise their health or be coerced to surrender their vital body parts to surgical mutilation for fear of what “may” happen.


You Can Help Change Your Genetic Blueprint!

It is so important to realize that you do not have to feel handicapped by your trans-generational genetic hand-me-downs. Burgeoning research in the study of epigenetic effects strongly suggests that outside environmental factors and lifestyle choices can modify gene expression without changing the hardwired inherited sequence of DNA nucleotides that make up your genes. This provides a remarkable opportunity for hopeful positive change and is an exquisite example of how modern scientific observation of the integral sublime function of the body connects with and reinforces the profound ancient wisdom of Natural Hygiene.

Routine, healthy lifestyle choices, especially plant-based nutrition, stress management techniques and physical activity can dramatically alter how genes function and may reduce the deterioration and morbidity from heart disease, cancer, immune disorders, and depression while even slowing down the aging process. Conversely, risky lifestyle choices can ultimately promote similar disease and breakdown in different people regardless of their genetic backgrounds. An example of this is the growing pandemics of obesity, heart disease, colon and reproductive cancers in Japan, China and other parts of Asia that did not exist when the Asian populations were eating more of their ancestral plant-based diets. However as they continue to saturate their diets with more animal protein, saturated fat, dairy products and refined sugar similar to people in the US and other western nations, they continue to develop the same devastating chronic diseases as these western nations regardless of their obvious genetic differences from non- Asians living in the West.

Your genetic blueprint can predispose you to any number of positive and negative conditions and changes. But what you choose to do, and the environment that you create on a routine basis in your life, goes a long way to determining how your genetic background expresses itself and whether any of your negative predispositions become concrete outcomes.

You must know that you don’t have to drown in your own gene pool. It is so important to realize and embrace the power of personal choice. It is so important to free yourself from the genetic constraints and fears that may dominate your concerns and realize that your genetic foundation is a shimmering tapestry capable of profound modification and change.

Simple constructive lifestyle choices of plant-based nutrition, consistent exercise, and activities that promote psychological poise and stress management dramatically promote healthy gene expression and reduce the devastating causes and effects of disease and aging.

By Dr. Frank Sabatino

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